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Ortseinfahrt Davos Dorf

Transfer from Zurich Airport to Davos

    Davos Klosters tourism region

    The Davos Klosters tourism region is locat­ed in the Swiss alps at 1’200 m above sea lev­el. The clos­est inter­na­tion­al is Zurich ZRH.

    Davos is well-know around the world for its annu­al World Eco­nom­ic Forum in Jan­u­ary. Apart from the World Eco­nom­ic Forum the region is famous for win­ter sport. Espe­cial­ly the Parsenn ski area which is seen as birth­place of ski­ing in Switzer­land. In Sum­mer, Parsenn is an exten­sive hik­ing area.

    How to reach Davos from Zurich Airport

    Public transport system

    Davos can be reached from Zurich air­port by Swiss pub­lic trans­port sys­tem with­in 2.5 hours. The Swiss pub­lic trans­port sys­tem is very reli­able and the trains are clean and safe. The trip goes with SBB inter­ci­ty trains to Landquart. Then change in Landquart to the Rhaet­ian Rail­way. The Rhaet­ian Rail­way is famous for its moun­tain tracks. How­ev­er, the ear­li­est train from Davos in the morn­ing reach­es Zurich air­port at 07:45 and the lat­est depar­ture at Zurich air­port for same day arrival in Davos is 22:15.

    Private transport

    The roads to Davos are well devel­oped. The jour­ney takes you over the impres­sive Suniberg bridge. In win­ter road con­di­tions are often pre­car­i­ous due to heavy snow­falls and high traf­fic. The con­di­tions demand prop­er equip­ment, good dri­ving skills and patience. Vehi­cles equipped with win­ter tyres are a basic require­ment. A four-wheel dri­ve is an immense advantage.

    Our services

    Airport transfer Davos

    Enjoy the jour­ney to Davos in one of our com­fort­able lim­ou­sines. We have equipped our vehi­cles with panoram­ic roofs for a mar­vel­lous view of the mon­tains. All our vehi­cles are well motor­ized and have four-wheel dri­ve. Our dri­vers are pleased when they feel Prät­ti­gau snow under their wheels. This means we can get you to your des­ti­na­tion safe­ly and reli­ably, even in adverse weath­er con­di­tions. Our dri­vers speak Ger­man, Eng­lish, Pol­ish and Russian.


    Our all inclu­sive prices for one trip Zurich air­port to Davos or in oppo­site direc­tion can be found below. Trav­el­ling times are heav­i­ly depend­ing on road and traf­fic con­di­tions. Under good con­di­tions a trav­el­ling time of 2 hours and 40 min­utes can be achieved. Note that trav­el­ling times can­not be guar­an­teed. Depend­ing on the sit­u­a­tion we car­ry out the air­port trans­fer with our Audi Q5 lim­ou­sine or our Mer­cedes V‑Class. Sub­ject to availability.

    From / to Zurich airportall inclu­sive price
    KlosterCHF 460.00
    DavosCHF 480.00